Work With Me

About Hostess at Heart » Work With Me

Thanks for stopping by Hostess At Heart!

General question about a recipe or the content? Email me (Julie): hostessatheart (at) gmail (dot) com

Looking to partner with Hostess At Heart on a project? Let’s work together! Contact me via email to let me know the details of your upcoming project to see if Hostess At Heart is the right partner for you! Email Julie: hostessatheart (at) gmail (dot) com

Recipe Development, Brand Ambassadorship, Product Review and Food Writing:  Many of the recipes on my blog are unique and have been developed by me. I would love to create fun and delicious recipes for your brand using your products. Please contact Julie to discuss rates at hostessatheart (at) gmail (dot) com.

Hostess At Heart does not currently accept guest posts. We do not respond to requests for links back.

If you are interested in purchasing ad space, please visit this website.

Giveaways, Promotions, and Product Reviews:  If you have a product that would be a good fit for Hostess At Heart, and is one that my readers would enjoy hearing about, please contact me. I will consider all requests, but I cannot guarantee that I will accept every offer. Please do not be offended if I pass at this time. Contact Julie at hostessatheart (at)

DISCLOSURE FOR MY READERS  This policy is valid from December 12, 2015

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Julie at hostessatheart (at) gmail (dot) com.

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

This blog abides by word-of-mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics, or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space, or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinions on products, services, websites, and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.